Service provision can range from individual Advanced Cardiac and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ACLS-ATLS) paramedics with field equipment, to ALS equipped 4 x 4 site ambulances or complete site clinics with General Practitioner and on-site diagnostic and pharmacy services.
Our pre-hospital care management follows the principles of timeliness, ‘The Platinum Ten,’‘The Golden Hour’ and the ‘Silver Six’ to provide urgent pre-hospital stabilisation of adults or children with serious illness or trauma.
Our frontline staff are all highly qualified and are adept at managing medical, surgical and obstetric emergencies, including medical emergencies such as respiratory distress, diabetic emergency, cardiac emergency and strokes, infections, trauma injuries (major and minor) and pregnancy complications.
FSS utilise the latest medical innovations, equipment and lifesaving drugs in all prehospital care. After initial stabilisation at the point of injury, the casualty will be evacuated to the pre-designated Role 3 Medical facilities identified in our Medical Emergency Response Plan (MERP) and in agreement with client and insurers for further stabilisation, treatment and onward evacuation to a facility with the appropriate level of definitive care via air or ground ambulance.
Services include:
- Site Emergency Response Services at the Point of Injury/Illness.
- Pre-hospital emergency care – from first paramedic intervention at the point of injury through the Pre-Hospital Care chain to Definitive Care.
- Medical transfer from local facilities via fully equipped ambulance to an airhead for aero medical evacuation.
- Provision of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced first aid trauma life support kits and other clinical equipment.
- Personal first aid kits.